3 essential tips to remember when going through major life transitions hackspirit.com Written by Jeanette Clare
The last year and a half of disruption and uncertainty in this world, have been like no other.
Amongst all the chaos and sadness, there are wonderful stories of people supporting each other and quickly adapting, make the most of the situation they have found themselves in.
It is gratifying to see how the vast majority of people care about each other and try to do the right thing in these challenging times.
Many people have used this time as an opportunity to take stock and evaluate their lives, their priorities, their values, and what it is they want for a better life in the future.
Personally, I had been contemplating making significant changes in my work life for a long time and after much deliberation, I decided to go ahead with the plans I had been working on for a long time.
Below is some of my story and strategies that helped me in going through this major life transition.
Of course, I have also included the lessons I learned about what I could have done better..
Read full article: https://hackspirit.com/ways-to-make-major-life-transitions/
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