3 Things That Highly Successful People Do addicted2success.com
If you’d like to learn about the habits of successful people so you can emulate them, sign up for the free 90-Day Master Class hosted by the founder of Addicted2Success.com, Joel Brown.
We all go through ups and downs in life.
Most of the experiences we encounter, either make us or break us.
We can either learn from them or succumb to the uncertainty that lies around us.
The choice is ours.
On the contrary, successful people view life with a different lens.
For them, everyday is a new challenge and life is a risk they welcome with open arms.
They are seldomly afraid and never look back. The only thing that matters to them is their own success and hard work; for which they are willing to give their 100%.
Our success depends on what kind of a person we wish to be.
Around 80% of the people fail to achieve their goals because they do not have a clear vision of where they want to be.
Purpose is one thread in the journey of life that makes us more of who we are; it makes us discover our true self.
Purpose pulls.
It makes us push our limits and tells us to never give up.
Several notable people in the field of business and innovation have shared their own ideas of success.
They have spoken about the kinds of habits and discipline routine that has always kept them on-the-go.
It’s important to learn from the best.
They have shared their experience and learnings for a better tomorrow; leaders who shall guide their followers on what success should actually look like.
J.K. Rowling – The famous ‘Harry Potter’ series writer had a rough childhood. She never thought she could make it to the hall of fame. Yet her perseverance and determination made her write one of the most loved books in the history of writing. She says, “It’s all about who you want to be. Failure can only make you realise that life comes with surprises, open yours with all love.”
Oprah Winfrey – Having endured the pangs of suffering, pain, agony and distress, Oprah has emerged as one of the leading ladies in the world of talk shows and inspiration. She has inspired everyone around to turn their lives upside down and believe in the beauty of their dreams. She has successfully launched OWN and now inspires millions to never give up and keep going, no matter what happens!
The famous author, Brian Tracy, has beautifully summed up the habits of successful people.
Some people tend to make it a habit to follow what’s right.
They are passionate about what they do, and that’s what takes them to great lengths.
Here’s the list:
They are action-oriented
They are goal-oriented
They are result-driven
They are people oriented
They are health conscious
They are self-disciplined
They are honest
“I have learned that champions aren’t just born; champions can be made when they embrace and commit to life-changing positive habits.” – Lewis Howes Here are 3 things successful people do that makes them who they are:
1. Being the best at what they do Consistency and discipline are the keys to a successful and prosperous future.
When we are determined, we do not let anything come in the way of achieving our goals.
Continuous improvement and practice is what makes successful people the best at what they do.
They constantly improve themselves, read about stuff that matters, and never shy away from learning new things.
This is one of the ingredients to their glory.
2. Not falling prey to the opinion of others Someone once said, “If people are not laughing at you, your dreams are too small.”
People who set out to do something different are most often ridiculed and criticized.
The choice that they have is to listen to others and let them control what they do or simply move on and focus on their goals.
Successful people focus on the latter. What the world thinks is none of their concern.
People always talk otherwise.
“Habit is a cable; we weave a thread each day, and at last we cannot break it.” –
Horace Mann 3. Learning from experience
We all encounter different kinds of situations in our lives.
Some of us choose to fight while others choose to use the flight option.
People who are made for success always fight; they learn from their mistakes and are constantly on the path of improving themselves.
They do not stress over the past and find quick ways to move on.
That’s what makes them always stay on-the-go and achieve success.
Successful people aren’t born or made, they create their own destiny.
It’s always said that people who are successful are born with a silver spoon; which is just not true.
Emerging from hardships and gathering the courage to pursue the best in life is worth the talk.
Inspiration and motivation is all about finding new ways to live and never giving up.
Life will always come with its own challenges and opportunities.
We can only learn to live with them.
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Hand holding out palm straight with a lightbulb
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